量测量转换器 measurement quantity converter 水分含量的测定 measuring moisture content 机械式数字显示 mechanical digitsdisplay ..
quick measuring moisture content 水分快速检测
quickly measuring moisture content 水分快速检测
measuring moisture content by microwave 微波测湿
instrument for measuring moisture content 水分快速测定仪
moisture content measuring apparatus [木] 含湿量测定仪
moisture content measuring a aratus 含湿量测定仪
moisture content measuring iphone apparatus 聚酰胺纤维是什么含湿量测定仪
Using this sensor we can make instrument and automatic system for quick measuring moisture content of cereals, oilseeds and oils.
This paper presents a new insertion sensor for quick measuring moisture content of cereals, oilseeds and oils and it's working mechanism, structure and functions.
Comparing with the other sensors, the digital temperature sensor DS1621 and the insertion sensor for measuring moisture content of cereals are of easy use, high precision of measuring and so on.